March 23, 2025

The Engineer

Exploring the World of Engineering

Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering – The Engineer

Discover the essence of geotechnical engineering: the study of soil and rocks for safe and sustainable civil engineering projects.

What is Geotechnical Engineering?

You may be a young engineering student about to take a Geotechnical Engineering course, or perhaps you’re considering studying engineering and have come across the term “Geotechnical.” Don’t worry; we’ll explain it here. Geotechnical Engineering is a branch of civil and geological engineering that focuses on the study of the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of soils and rocks found on the Earth’s surface, as well as their interaction with structures and foundations built upon them (also known as “Soil Mechanics” or even variations like “Rock Mechanics,” although they are not rigorously the same, but you may find them described as such in some texts). Its main objective is to provide relevant information for the design, construction, and maintenance of civil works such as roads, bridges, buildings, dams, tunnels, and other infrastructure. Geotechnical engineers use sampling and analysis techniques to characterize subsurface materials and determine their properties, such as bearing capacity, strength, compressibility, permeability, among others. With this information, they can make calculations and recommendations to ensure that structures are stable and safe, considering factors such as the weight of the construction, applied loads, soil nature, and local geological conditions. Some important aspects of geotechnical engineering include slope stability, prevention of landslides and settlements, assessment of soil bearing capacity, selection of appropriate excavation and foundation methods, and analysis of geotechnical problems related to construction projects.

What Can You Learn in Geotechnical Engineering?

  1. Definition and Origin of Soil:

Soil is defined as the superficial layer of the Earth, composed of mineral particles, organic matter, water, and air. It results from the interaction of geological, climatic, and biological factors over millions of years. It forms through the decomposition of rocks by weathering and erosion processes, giving rise to different types of soils with specific characteristics.

  1. Soil Structure and Mineralogy:

Soil structure refers to the arrangement and organization of its constituent particles. It can vary from a granular structure to a laminar or prismatic structure, depending on the formation conditions. Soil mineralogy relates to the types of minerals present in its composition, which may include quartz, feldspar, clays, and other minerals.

  1. Soil Profile and Water Table:

The soil profile is a vertical section that displays the different layers or horizons of the soil at a specific site. Each horizon can have distinct characteristics in terms of composition, color, structure, and porosity. The water table is the depth at which groundwater is located in relation to the soil surface. It can influence soil stability and load-bearing capacity.

  1. Tests for Soil Classification:

Various geotechnical tests allow the classification of soil based on its properties and characteristics. Some common tests include granulometric analysis, Atterberg limits test, in-situ density (Proctor test), permeability test, among others.

  1. Moisture:

Soil moisture is the amount of water present relative to the dry weight of the material. Moisture content affects soil strength, compressibility, and load-bearing capacity.

  1. Limits:

Atterberg limits are values that define the transitions of soil states between solid, plastic, and liquid. The main limits are the liquid limit (LL) and plastic limit (PL). From these values, the plasticity index (PI) can be determined.

  1. Particle Size Distribution:

Particle size distribution is the analysis of the distribution of particle sizes in soil. It is carried out through a sieve analysis and helps classify soil into different granulometric fractions (sand, silt, clay, etc.), which influence its mechanical properties.

  1. Physical Properties of Soil:

Physical properties of soil include density, porosity, permeability, compressibility, and load-bearing capacity. These properties determine soil behavior under different load and environmental conditions and can affect structure stability.

  1. Index Properties:

Index properties of soil, such as Atterberg limits and plasticity index, are parameters used to classify and characterize soil in terms of its plasticity and ability to change state.

  1. Soil Classification Methods:

There are several soil classification systems, with the most widely used being the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and the International Soil Classification System (ISSCS). These systems categorize soils into different classes based on their properties and characteristics.

  1. Soil Phases:

Soil is composed of three phases: solid, liquid, and gas. The solid phase includes mineral and organic particles. The liquid phase corresponds to water in the soil, and the gas phase consists of air spaces between particles.

  1. Soil Compaction:

Compaction is a process that increases the density of soil by applying forces to reduce voids and enhance its strength. This process is carried out during construction to improve load-bearing capacity.

  1. Stresses in a Mass of Soil:

Stresses in a mass of soil are the forces applied to the soil, such as vertical loads or lateral forces. These stresses can affect soil stability and deformation.

  1. Soil Shear Stresses:

Shear stresses are forces acting tangentially on the soil and can lead to sliding or failure. They are essential for the design of foundations and structures, as they affect soil stability under different load and environmental conditions.

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory at Francisco de Paula Santander University (UFPS) Photo by: Samuel Parariá.

Importance of Geotechnical Engineering in Engineering

Geotechnical engineering is an essential discipline within engineering, playing a crucial role in the planning, design, and construction of infrastructure and civil works. Let’s explore some of the key findings and achievements that have made geotechnical engineering an indispensable science.

  1. Safety of Civil Works

Geotechnical engineering has been instrumental in improving the safety of civil works. Through thorough research, geotechnical engineers identify potential issues related to soil stability, such as landslides, settlements, subsidence, or collapses. These findings have allowed for the implementation of preventive and corrective measures in construction projects, minimizing risks and safeguarding people’s lives.

  1. Optimization of Designs and Costs

Geotechnical knowledge has been decisive in optimizing designs and costs of projects. By understanding the properties of soil and rocks in a given area, engineers can tailor foundations, structures, and materials used, ensuring greater efficiency in the allocation of resources and time. This has led to more durable and cost-effective constructions.

  1. Development of New Study Techniques

Geotechnical engineering has fostered the development of innovative study techniques to understand soil and rock behavior. The incorporation of technologies such as geophysics, remote sensing, and geotechnical instrumentation has significantly expanded the scope and precision of research. The results of these studies have provided a solid basis for decision-making in large-scale projects.

  1. Mitigation of Natural Disasters

Geotechnical study of areas prone to natural disasters has allowed for the prevention and mitigation of catastrophic events. By analyzing soils and rocks, experts can identify risk areas and develop prevention strategies, such as drainage systems, retaining walls, and structural reinforcements. This predictive capacity has been crucial in protecting vulnerable communities from natural phenomena.

  1. Sustainability and the Environment

Today, sustainability and environmental care are critical aspects of project design. Geotechnical engineering has contributed to this focus by evaluating the feasibility of constructions in sensitive areas

 such as wetlands, aquifer recharge zones, or fragile ecosystems. Geotechnical studies have enabled more informed decision-making to avoid negative environmental impacts and preserve biodiversity.


In summary, geotechnical engineering is a discipline within engineering that deals with the study of the properties of soils and rocks on the Earth’s surface, which is crucial for the design, construction, and maintenance of civil works. Thanks to advances in this field, the safety of structures has significantly improved, designs and project costs have been optimized, new study techniques have been developed, and natural disasters have been mitigated. Furthermore, geotechnical engineering has demonstrated a commitment to sustainability and the environment by carefully evaluating the impact of constructions in sensitive areas. As a result, geotechnical engineering plays a vital role in modern engineering and will continue to be essential for the development of safe and sustainable infrastructure in the future.


Books: Peck, R. B., Hanson, W. E., & Thornburn, T. H. (2008).

Fundamentos de ingeniería geotécnica. Cengage Learning Editores. Das, B. M. (2009).

Principios de ingeniería de cimentaciones. Cengage Learning Editores.

Magazine articles: Terzaghi, K. (1948). Soil mechanics in engineering practice.

Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 74(3), 1-33. Bowles, J. E. (1996).

Engineering properties of soils and their measurement. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 14(1), 1-16. 

 web sites: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). (s.f.). Geotechnical Engineering.

 United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). (s.f.). Geotechnical Engineering

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