October 27, 2024

The Engineer

Exploring the World of Engineering

Importance of Materials Engineering in Construction

Materials engineering in construction is crucial for the safety and efficiency of infrastructure. Economic, mechanical, non-mechanical, and aesthetic factors influence the choice of materials.


Civil and construction engineering play a vital role in meeting and maintaining society’s infrastructure demands. This infrastructure encompasses everything from buildings to water treatment and distribution systems, sewage disposal and management processes, dams, bridges, and highway and airport pavements.

While some specialized engineers are involved in the planning phase, most are dedicated to designing, building, and maintaining these facilities. The common thread in these responsibilities is the need to understand the behavior and performance of the materials used. While not all civil and construction engineering professionals need to be material experts, they must have a basic understanding of the selection process and the properties of these materials.

This knowledge is essential for all engineers involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure. Material requirements in civil engineering and construction projects differ from other disciplines. Often, civil engineering structures demand large quantities of materials with a limited number of specific designs.

Generally, materials used in civil engineering have a relatively low unit cost. Furthermore, structures are often built on-site in adverse conditions. Lastly, many of these structures directly face the negative effects of the environment.

The field of engineering materials has seen significant progress in recent decades. Consequently, many conventional materials have been replaced by more efficient alternatives or have been modified to enhance their properties. Construction and civil engineers must stay informed about these advancements to select the most cost-effective materials or apply appropriate modifications for specific contexts.

Professional Opinion

The relevance of materials engineering in construction is unquestionable, as it is fundamental to ensure the safety, efficiency, and longevity of the infrastructure that supports our communities. The continuous evolution and improvement of available materials allow engineers to tackle increasingly complex challenges and generate innovative solutions.

These advances impact not only the functionality of structures but also economic and environmental aspects by optimizing resource use and reducing environmental impact. As a professional in this field, I believe that staying updated on the latest developments in materials and their practical application is an essential commitment to ensure excellence in creating safe and sustainable infrastructure.

Materials Engineering

The branch of engineering that focuses on materials plays a crucial role in the decision-making of engineers responsible for selecting, specifying, and managing the quality of materials in their construction projects. These materials must meet specific requirements and predefined properties (according to Ashby and Jones, 1980). This assessment is based on various criteria that encompass various aspects:

Economic Considerations: Determining the financial viability of the materials used, taking into account the cost of acquisition, processing, and maintenance over time.

Mechanical Properties: Analyzing the strength, elasticity, and deformation behavior of materials to ensure structural integrity and load-bearing capacity.

Non-Mechanical Properties: Considering thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties of materials, as these can affect performance in specific situations. For example, in the design of electrical circuits, materials with specific electrical properties are required to ensure proper current flow.

Feasibility of Production/Construction: Evaluating how easily materials can be manufactured and assembled in construction. This is crucial to ensure efficiency and cost reduction in the construction process.

Aesthetic Characteristics: Evaluating visual and sensory aspects of materials, which play an important role in applications where appearance is essential, such as architecture.

In the field of civil engineering and construction, professionals must be familiar with a wide variety of materials used in various structures. Common materials include steel, aggregates, concrete, masonry, asphalt, and wood. Additionally, less conventional materials, such as aluminum, glass, plastics, and fiber-reinforced composites, also have applications in this area.

However, it is important to recognize that the most widely used material in civil engineering is the soil itself. This presents a unique complexity and is generally addressed in specialized courses due to its unique and challenging characteristics. Civil engineers must have at least basic knowledge in geology to better understand the more soil-focused branches of their field, such as geotechnical engineering.

Continuous progress in material technology for civil engineering has led to the development of high-performance materials that offer better quality, greater economic accessibility, and increased safety. As a deeper understanding of the molecular structure of materials is gained and thanks to the ongoing research of scientists and engineers, new materials like advanced polymers, improved adhesives, innovative composites, specialized geotextiles, enhanced coatings, cold-formed metals, and cutting-edge synthetic products emerge. These materials effectively compete with traditional options in civil engineering.

Furthermore, existing materials have been improved through adjustments to their molecular structures or the incorporation of additives to enhance their quality, cost, and performance. For example, superplasticizers have revolutionized the concrete industry, allowing the creation of more durable and higher-quality concrete.

The adoption of elastomeric materials for joints has increased the safety of tall structures in seismic zones. Lightweight synthetic aggregates have reduced the weight of concrete structures, enabling more efficient design. The introduction of polymers in asphalt has improved the durability and resistance of roads to vehicular loads and challenging environmental conditions.

The field of fiber-reinforced materials has experienced rapid advancements in recent decades, with fiber-reinforced composites becoming a common choice in modern civil engineering projects. These composites compete with traditional materials due to their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio and their ability to overcome challenges like corrosion. For example, fiber-reinforced concrete exhibits greater strength than conventional Portland cement concrete and can replace steel in reinforced concrete structures.

The nature and behavior of materials in civil engineering are just as complex as in any other engineering discipline. Given the wide spectrum of materials used in civil engineering projects, engineers often have to work with locally available resources, which may not be as refined as materials in other engineering areas. This results in a wide variability in terms of properties and characteristics of the materials used.

Economic Factors

The expenses associated with the material selection process are conditioned by a series of factors that go beyond the intrinsic cost of the material itself. When selecting materials for civil engineering and construction projects, various elements must be considered that go beyond the financial aspect and play an essential role in the planning and design of successful projects.

One of the crucial aspects is the availability and cost of raw materials. This consideration involves evaluating the possibility of obtaining the necessary resources in the required quantities and at a reasonable price. In civil engineering, where demands can be significant, the availability of resources such as aggregates, wood, steel, and other fundamental materials influences the economic viability of a project. For example, the location of an aggregate quarry near a construction site can reduce transportation and production costs.

Manufacturing costs must also be weighed. This encompasses expenses related to the transformation of materials into usable products, such as steel processing or concrete fabrication. In the civil engineering industry, where specific components and structural elements are required, it is essential to estimate manufacturing costs to make informed decisions about which materials to use. For example, if the manufacture of steel beams is more complex and costly than that of prefabricated concrete beams, this can influence the material choice.

The transportation of materials from their production site to the construction site has a significant impact on the overall costs. The distance, the mode of transportation, and the available logistical infrastructure can increase or reduce the project’s overall costs. In civil engineering, evaluating how transportation costs affect the budget and feasibility of a project is crucial. For example, when planning a bridge, it is essential to consider the costs associated with transporting heavy materials such as structural steel.

The placement of materials in the structure is another vital factor to consider. This involves the labor, equipment, and techniques required to assemble and fix construction elements. In civil engineering, ensuring that the placement of materials is done efficiently and accurately is essential for the integrity and durability of the structure. For example, when choosing a type of masonry for a building, one must consider whether the workers have experience in its placement and whether it is compatible with the construction methods used.

Maintenance over time is often underestimated. The durability and resistance of materials to environmental conditions and stresses they will be exposed to affect future maintenance and repair costs. In civil engineering, selecting materials that require less long-term maintenance can be essential for the economic sustainability of a project. For example, in the construction of a road, selecting a durable and abrasion-resistant pavement can reduce the need for frequent repairs.

Throughout the history of civil engineering, materials used in structures have evolved significantly. From early times when stone and wood were the primary resources, to the Industrial Revolution that marked the transition to cast iron and, later, high-quality steel and Portland cement. Each phase in this evolution was influenced by advances in material production and processing technology, as well as the changing needs of structures and civil works.

In the field of civil engineering and construction, economic factors are a crucial component in the selection of materials for successful projects. In addition to the aspects mentioned, such as availability, the cost of raw materials, manufacturing costs, transportation, placement, and maintenance, there are other elements that deserve detailed attention when considering the financial dimension in material selection:

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Today, sustainability has become a primary consideration in civil engineering. Materials that require less energy for production, transportation, and long-term maintenance can be more cost-effective in the long run. Selecting materials with a low environmental impact and high energy efficiency can lead to significant savings in operating and energy costs over the life of the structure. For example, choosing efficient thermal insulation systems can reduce heating and cooling loads in a building, resulting in lower operating costs.

Durability and Lifecycle: Evaluating the durability and lifespan of materials is essential. Although a material may initially be more expensive, it may prove to be more cost-effective over time due to its reduced need for replacement and maintenance. It is important to consider total costs over the life of the project. For example, when choosing an exterior cladding, selecting weather-resistant and long-lasting materials can reduce maintenance and repainting expenses over the years.

Technological Innovation: The incorporation of innovative materials and technologies can impact construction and operational costs. While some novel materials may have a higher initial cost, their ability to fulfill multiple functions, optimize construction processes, or enhance structural performance can generate savings in other areas. For example, using advanced composite materials in bridges can reduce the structure’s weight and decrease foundation and transportation costs.

Regulations and Standards: Compliance with construction standards and local regulations is essential to ensure the safety and quality of structures. However, choosing materials that meet certain regulations can increase initial costs. It is essential to evaluate how these regulations can influence long-term costs, such as maintenance requirements and potential penalties for not complying with standards.

Long-Term Availability: The continued availability of materials throughout the project’s lifecycle is a factor to consider. Opting for materials that are abundant in the market and not subject to extreme fluctuations in availability can help mitigate the risks of cost increases due to supply disruptions.

Mechanical Properties

The behavior of materials under external forces is essential in civil engineering and construction. Each material, when subjected to loads, deforms uniquely due to its inherent properties, the nature of the forces, and the structural geometry. The evaluation of these properties is crucial in the planning and design of projects to ensure safe and durable structures.

The concept of “material failure” is linked to its capacity to withstand loads. The definition of failure varies according to specific criteria. Sometimes, failure results in catastrophic fractures, collapsing elements and structures. However, in less obvious situations, such as a rough pavement, the implications can also be significant. Here, material geometry and functionality define the limits of acceptable performance.

In addition to resisting loads, deformation is also considered. Elasticity, a vital mechanical property, implies that a material can deform temporarily under load and return to its original shape when the load is removed. This property is crucial for structures subjected to various loads, both static (own weight) and dynamic (wind, traffic, earthquakes). Understanding mechanical properties is essential to ensure that structures effectively withstand these forces. An example is the use of high-strength steel in bridges, allowing them to support loads without deforming.

In structural design, knowing mechanical properties is essential for estimating load-bearing capacity and the amount of material required. If the properties are insufficient for the anticipated loads, the design is unsafe, requiring reinforcements or redesigns, with economic and time impacts.

Learn more about this topic in Mechanical Properties of Materials.

Non-Mechanical Properties

The non-mechanical properties of construction materials refer to those characteristics that are not directly related to a material’s strength or deformation under load but influence its chemical, thermal, optical, and electrical behavior. These properties encompass aspects such as thermal conductivity, water absorption, resistance to corrosion, durability against chemical agents, and electrical insulation capacity. In the context of civil engineering, these properties are crucial as they impact the longevity, energy efficiency, and safety of structures and buildings. For example, the corrosion resistance of materials used in bridges and structures exposed to aggressive environments can determine their lifespan, and the insulating capacity of materials can influence the energy efficiency of a building.

Understanding and considering non-mechanical properties is essential for designing structures that endure over time, minimizing the degrading effects of environmental factors, and ensuring the proper functionality of civil engineering installations and systems. The selection of materials with appropriate chemical, thermal, and electrical properties for each specific application guarantees resistance to degradation and promotes safety and sustainability in infrastructure construction. In essence, considering non-mechanical properties along with mechanical properties is a comprehensive approach that optimizes the quality, durability, and performance of civil engineering projects.

Feasibility of Production/Construction

The evaluation of the feasibility of producing or constructing materials in the field of civil engineering is a crucial process that determines the economic, technical, and logistical viability of using certain materials in construction projects. This assessment involves analyzing the availability and accessibility of raw materials, as well as the manufacturing or construction processes involved. Additionally, aspects such as large-scale production capacity, process efficiency, associated costs, and the possibility of obtaining consistent and high-quality materials are considered. This feasibility study phase is essential to avoid delays, cost overruns, and supply issues during the development of a civil engineering project, enabling the early identification of potential obstacles and the adoption of informed decisions.

The importance of evaluating the feasibility of material production or construction in civil engineering lies in its ability to ensure the successful execution of construction projects. The appropriate choice of materials, based on their availability and production feasibility, has a direct impact on the quality, durability, and efficiency of structures and buildings. By considering both technical and economic aspects, a balance between desired functionality and available resources can be achieved, contributing to the optimization of construction processes and the achievement of satisfactory and sustainable final results from both economic and environmental perspectives.

Aesthetic Characteristics

Aesthetics are indeed a very important aspect when it comes to materials and engineering, especially in the field of civil engineering. The responsibility of both architects and civil engineers is to create civil works that are functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing. The importance of aesthetics goes beyond simply meeting a client’s requirements or improving the aesthetics of a city or region. Aesthetics has an implicit importance in human psychology and its relationship with safety in nature. It has been shown that in the natural world, simplicity and “beauty” or aesthetics are the most optimal structures for functioning in virtually all branches of science, from the laws governing the universe to the structure of atoms. You can learn more about this in Aesthetics in Engineering and its Importance.


In conclusion, materials engineering in the field of construction is a multidisciplinary field that combines technical knowledge with creativity and a forward-looking vision. From selecting materials that meet rigorous technical specifications to considering economic, environmental, and aesthetic factors, this discipline plays an essential role in creating safe, efficient, and visually striking infrastructure. As we move towards a future marked by sustainability and innovation, materials engineering will remain a fundamental pillar in the construction of a better and more connected world.

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